Jinen Butoh School with Atsushi Takenouchi (October 2017 -March 2018) Monthly Weekend 2 days Butoh Course Laboratorio di danza Butoh un week-end al mese -Spazio NU /Pontedera/Italia *3days Winter Programme – Jan 5,6,7 2018 New year’s butoh workshop, with Atsushi Takenouchi, live music by Hiroko Komiya
3 days residential workshop in spazio NU, Pontedera, 5-7 January 2018. 5 January (course 15h00-21.00) Meeting appointment is friday 5 Jan at 13h00 in Spazio Nu for registrations 6 January (course 13.00-19.00) * only 6-7 joining person registrations 12h00 From 19.30 performances: Butoh solo performance Maruska Ronchi Butoh solo peformace Atsushi Takenouchi 7 January (course 9.30-17.30) – -English TEXT IS BELOW - ![]() photo by Tomohisa Saito. Nel moto circolare della vita, vediamo luci ed ombre, le stagioni che si trasformano, la morte e la vita. Abbracciamo entrambe queste parti. Attraverso la danza, i confini che separano interno ed esterno del nostro corpo si dissolvono. Poi cominciamo a sentire che tutta la natura è il nostro corpo, e nello stesso tempo che il nostro corpo è una parte dell'universo. Con questa consapevolezza, siamo in grado di trasformarci in vari animali, piante e altre forme di vita. O siamo in grado di trasformarci in stati fondamentali della materia (solido, liquido, gas e plasma). Collegare la nostra memoria profonda con tutti questi elementi, collegandoci alla memoria della terra. Abbracciare tutte le tue diverse emozioni attraverso il Butoh. E trovare il modo di stare in piedi e ballare, come la verità della tua vita, che non è nascosta dietro a nulla. Questo è il tuo vero fiore, il tuo vero Butoh. Atsushi Takenouchi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jinen Butoh School with Atsushi Takenouchi (October 2017 -March 2018) Monthly Weekend 2 days Butoh Course Laboratorio di danza Butoh un week-end al mese da ottobre 2017 a marzo 2018 (Spazio NU /Pontedera/Italia) *3days Winter Programme – Jan 5,6,7, 2018 Butoh: Atsushi Takenouchi , Accompanied by live music: Hiroko Komiya , Assistant: Maruska Ronchi Final event : solo Butoh presentation of the participants ![]() photo by Tomohisa Saito. <Monthly Weekend Course Date> The 1st - Oct 14-15, 2017 (Sat-Sun) The 5th - Feb 3 - 4, 2018 (Sat-Sun)
New year’s butoh workshop, with Atsushi Takenouchi, live music by Hiroko Komiya
3 days residential workshop in spazio NU, Pontedera, 5-7 January 2018. 5 January (course 15h00-21.00) Meeting appointment is friday 5 Jan at 13h00 in Spazio Nu for registrations 6 January (course 13.00-19.00) * only 6-7 joining person registrations 12h00 From 19.30 performances: Butoh solo performance Maruska Ronchi Butoh solo peformace Atsushi Takenouchi 7 January (course 9.30-17.30) –
Atsushi Takenouchi -Every month 1 weekend ( The place is limited. Priority is 6 month full monthly participants. )
-This course will be hold together with monthly 10days Butoh course participants. -Final month : solo Butoh creation and presentation of all participants ![]() ![]() photo by Pagratis Pagratidis photo by studio VALOS photo by Yayoi Ogata Hour; Saturday
(15:00-21:00), Sunday (9:30-17:30)
course language : English ( there is Italian translator ) meeting appointment : Please arrive at Spazio NU by 14pm on Saturday. Registering and payment is on your arrival. Previous day accommodation is available. Please contact us in advance. course at : Spazio NU - DANCE & MOVEMENT Requirement : This Butoh course is for dancers, actors, performers, person who makes training physical expression. Desirable to have Butoh workshop experience. Registration : Please email us to get registration form. Then fill in the form, send back with writing motivation for this course and simple CV by email to Spazio NU ( butoh.spazionu@gmail.com). *The priority is whole 6 month course register. But please contact also for other length register. *After you contact us for register, we will send the practical info. ![]() ![]() “ Dance is devotion of life” I learned this while my travelling nature fields called JINEN. This has never changed since old times and will never change. This means I should dance to “my life”, to the moment, and to now which lasts forever. I’ve got my body from the earth. I’ve got my life from the sun and the moon, my parents, my friends and my love. Then I’ll return the gifts to these universe. I’ll return them to others through dancing body and soul. As I see a tiny flower selflessly, I meet a dance filled with a joy of “ life”. And then, my body is filled up with water of “ life”. The seeds of memory inside of myself come into bud. The sound of winds is the whispering of the earth. The sound of minerals is the muttering of machines. We hear the sounds of the universe through explosion and noise and stillness. Oh, thousands of sounds, take our souls far away to our unknown world. Travel with reminding us of forgotten dances. On the sun and the moon, there are young men singing eternal songs at every place in the world. Let’s begin an ancient and modern fete at “ relics of life” holding artificial and nature-on earth. Atsushi Takenouchi Atsushi Takenouchi / JINEN Butoh ( www.jinen-butoh.com) Joined butoh dance company „Hoppo-Butoh-ha“ in Hokkaido in 1980. His last performance with the company "Takazashiki"(1984) was worked on by butoh-founder Tatsumi Hijikata. Atsushi has started his own „Jinen Butoh“ since 1986 and created solo works „Itteki“, „Ginkan“ as a universal expression of nature, earth, and ancient times and impressions of the moment, meeting with people and environment. He made 3 year “JINEN” tour project throughout Japan for 600 sitespecific improvisations (1996-1999). During this time, he studied a spirit of the universe under Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno. Since 2002, he has been mainly based in Europe, working on Butoh dance collaboration project with dancers and actors in France, Poland, U.S.A and other countries. Joining in festival such as Avignon festival, Paris Butoh festival, NY Butoh festival, he has been presenting his solo piece. At the same time, he also collaborates with film. The recent work in Alaska and Hawaii, “Ridden by nature” environmental art film will be completed soon. Hiroko Komiya/ object sound, percussion and voice (www.jinen-butoh.com/hiroko_profile_e.html) Expresses the sound from the air, space, movements, inner body, memory and transforms into the sound without bound melody or rhythm. Plays object sounds; stone, water, sea shells, toys, daily life objects and percussion; metal bowls, bells and voice. Her musical idea is to remind us there is subtle hidden voice and whispering of each object themselves around us. She let them out in resonance with respects for them. Her sounds are said as if it’s blowing a new life into the objects, and her expression evokes new sensation to the breath or movement of listeners. As for the voice, her voice arises from inner body and brings back our lost memories. Since 1999, she regularly accompanies Butoh dance performance and workshop of Atsushi Takenouchi as musician. Apart from dance, she collaborates also with film, sculptor, painter, poet, story teller, costume designer, various artists for exhibition, installation, etc. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <Contact & Booking > SPAZIO NU - DANCE & MOVEMENT butoh.spazionu@gmail.com , http://www.spazionu.com address : via Firenze 42/A – 56025 Pontedera (PI) Italy <info> Globe JINEN Atsushi Takenouchi http://www.jinen-butoh.com, |